Tuesday, August 21, 2007

>What is a Structured Settlement?

What is a Structured Settlement?
By Jennifer Bailey

Structured settlements refer to the structured payments in cash on an annual basis that is made to compensate the victims of personal injuries for what they have lost. These are alternative payment systems that provide cash settlement payments over time.

In 1982, the U.S. Congress gave structured settlements special legislative treatment to make large settlements more acceptable to parties and provide more security and protection to the victims. Because of this, many people now prefer a structured settlement agreement more than the usual lump sum distribution. Moreover, courts use civil actions to award them, including long-term living costs and the need for obtaining payments in cash.

Under a structured settlement, the compensations of an injury victim is continuously received over an extended period of time (often a lifetime), and is not a large one-time payment. This is one way of securing the victim and protecting him from any economic loss and difficulty he may have to deal with later. It also makes it easier for the defendant to give out cash payments.

Though beneficial, structured settlements are actually not appropriate in all cases. This will not do at all for situations where the accident victim is still capable, where treatment and care do not take a long period of time, and where the injuries are not really serious.

Instead, structured settlements are established for cases like the following:

- Severe injury that requires a long-term treatment and future medical costs will necessarily be incurred to meet living and family expenses

- Worker's compensation cases where the injured person may not be able to work anymore or at least work to the earning capacity that he would otherwise perform

- Disabilities, permanent or temporary, that will take lengthy recovery time

- Cases of death of family members whose dependents will need a regular income to substitute for what the lost parent or spouse had provided

- Cases regarding guardianship of minor children or another person who is known to be incompetent like having psychological, emotional, or mental disability

Cash For Structured Settlements provides detailed information on Cash For Structured Settlements, Cash For Structured Settlement Payments, Structured Settlement Brokers, Sell Structured Settlements and more. Cash For Structured Settlements is affiliated with Sell Structured Settlement Payments.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jennifer_Bailey

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

>Get Cash From a California Structured Settlement Company

Get Cash From a California Structured Settlement Company
By Herbert Hodges

There are many resources online that offer detailed information on California structured settlement companies. A person wishing to sell his structured settlement should visit these sites so that his selection process becomes easier. The free quotes offered online help the seller to find out the minimum that he can get on the sale of his structured settlement.

California structured settlement companies purchase structured settlements from individuals and have business relations with insurance companies all over America.

A seller can receive a lump sum payment from the settlement company only after the sale has been approved via a written court order. The court order states that the sale is indeed in the best interests of the seller and his dependents. Various sections of California state law need to be met before the lump sum can be transferred. The seller should initiate the sale process keeping in mind that it can take a minimum of thirty days from the day the seller signs an agreement selling his rights to the structured settlement. Sellers are free to cancel the agreement before the court approval takes place

The purchase of a structured settlement by the buying companies is done on the basis of the effective equivalent interest rate; therefore sellers should scout the market for buyers that offer the best rates. The process of obtaining cash from a California structured settlement company involves several expenses such as commissions for the brokers, application fees, service fees, closing expenses, fees incurred during the legal procedure, and notary fees. These expenses are usually borne by the structured settlement company.

Sellers should approach a financial advisor only after doing their homework so that they can obtain maximum benefit from their advice and clinch a deal as early as possible. This is because under California law, independent professional advisors such as certified public accountants and actuaries, who advice claimants on the legal and financial implications of a settlement sale, have to be paid their fees even whether or not their advice results in the sale of a settlement.

Sellers and buyers should take note of the fact that a structured settlement sale without a court order can attract a hefty tax for both parties. It is imperative that sellers be on their guard while dealing with buyers; there is a process involved in the sale of a structured settlement and if a buyer suggests anything to the contrary, it is best to avoid him.

Herbert Hodges recommends you visit http://www.californiastructuredsettlementcompany.com/ for more information on finding a California structured settlement company.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Herbert_Hodges

>Preparing to Meet With a Buyer of Structured Settlements

Preparing to Meet With a Buyer of Structured Settlements
By Joshua Shapiro

Once you have made the decision that selling your structured settlement is an option you want to consider, you should begin to prepare yourself for the selling process. In particular, this means preparing to meet with a buyer of structured settlements. Because this is uncharted territory, there are certain steps you should take to better equip yourself for this meeting.

The first phase of groundwork is to educate yourself on the selling process. Although the buyer will happily provide this information to you, it is a better idea to have an idea what you are walking into beforehand. The reasons for this are numerous – one, you do not want your knowledge to hinge on a buyer’s honesty or forthrightness; and two, you want to know if you are getting the raw end of the deal. Having the proper information and being educated on the process will better improve your chances of getting a higher offer to begin with, as the buyer knows you are serious, and gives you the tools to know when to walk away from a deal.

You should also have an idea what you want out of the sell; in other words, how much do you want to be paid for your structured settlement? This may sound simple, but oftentimes, people do not know what to ask for and, therefore, take the very first offer on the table. They let the buyer dictate the price because they are not adequately prepared for a negotiation. Granted, some companies may be inflexible in their purchase terms, but you never know until you ask. Of course, if this is the case, you always have the option to walk away and go to a company that is willing to work with you and meet some, if not all, of your terms.

To learn more about finding a buyer of a structured settlement payment, Joshua Shapiro recommends Structured Settlement Sell.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joshua_Shapiro

>Don't Screw Up Selling Your Structured Settlement - Stay Clear of These Common, Costly Blunders

Don't Screw Up Selling Your Structured Settlement - Stay Clear of These Common, Costly Blunders
By Kevin Nelson

Selling a structured settlement is a major financial decision and as such, shouldn't be taken lightly. Ideally you would want to hold onto your structured settlement and continue receiving payments as-is since that will give you the most money in the long run. Selling all or part of your structured settlement might cost you some of the the earning you would have received down the road, but if you need to raise some fast cash, this can be a viable option.

But before you sell your structured settlement, you should be aware of some of the pitfalls people run into. These are very common mistakes people make when selling a structured settlement but by reading this article and understanding them, you'll be less likely to make the same mistakes.

Mistake #1: Not Knowing Your Financial Needs FIRST

The first mistake most people make is simply not knowing exactly what their financial needs are, why they're selling their structured settlement and how much money they actually need. Often times when we get in a cash crunch it's easy to let emotions and stress run our decisions, but it's extremely important to take inventory of exactly what your financial situation is and why you need to sell your structured settlement.

It may turn out that you can get by just fine by selling only part of the settlement rather than the whole thing. This will not only leave you with a steady stream of income over the life of the settlement (although less than before) but you'll end up with more money, in total, at the end of the term of the settlement.

Too often people simply sell the entire settlement and end up taking a significant loss and possibly having more money than they really needed or can effectively manage. That money might be better used by keeping it inside the structured settlement. So be sure to know exactly what your needs are prior to looking for a structured settlement buyer.

Mistake #2: Choosing The Lender Based On How Much They Offer

Sure, on the surface it makes sense that you would want to go with the lender than offers you the most money. That's obviously the best option in most financial transactions. However, look at the analogy of selling a house. You have multiple buyers all bidding on your place. Some probably seem more qualified than others. But what happens if you accept a bid from a buyer who simply wanted to offer whatever it took to get the property off the market. They may have no idea if they qualify, have no idea how they're going to get the money, and everyone ends up wasting time. Then they might start asking for concessions, lowering their price, asking if you can throw in the furniture or whatever. You end up being stuck with a buyer how just isn't serious and this can be a huge problem if you really need to sell fast.

Well the same applies when selling a structured settlement. You need your money fast! You don't have time to play the run around with a buyer who's just going to get you under contract with the lure of a high bid, only to turn the tables on you once you're stuck working with them. Unfortunately, this happens pretty often since lenders realize you're probably under the gun to get some cash in your pockets quickly. The best thing you can do to avoid this is to get several quotes from multiple lenders before making your final decision. It might take a little more time on the front end, but it will make for a much smoother process once you decide which lender to work with.

Mistake #3: Taking the Lender at Their Word When They Promise a Quick Closing

This is another one of those things that can be easily avoided with proper planning. That way, you're not dependent on a quick closing or enticed by the lenders promises to do so. The fact of the matter is that state law, rather than the lender's prowess, determines how long it will take to close on your transaction. In general, plan on at least a month for your closing to take place. At the extreme end, it can take four months or more, depending on the state in which you and your lender are located.

Get free structured settlement info and explore your options if you need to sell structured settlement payments by visiting OnlineSettlementGuide.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kevin_Nelson

>What Every Senior Citizen Should Know about Life Settlements

What Every Senior Citizen Should Know about Life Settlements
By Natalie Aranda

When we start being referred to as a “senior citizen,” we cringe at the thought of not having steady income. Of course there are perks to retired life – including vacations, sleeping in, and not having to answer to anyone else. Yet with so many perks comes a stressful fear that we just won’t have enough money. Auspiciously, there are different ways that you can pick up additional cash. For some, this may be drastic, but it will satisfy your money hungry needs.

Life insurance settlements are one way to put more money in your pockets. This happens when a senior citizen does not want their settlement plan and decides to give it up. Instead of giving it back to the actual insurance agency, the senior citizen instead decides to sell it to a financial company. This way they will immediately get money for selling such a life insurance plan.

While this may sound like a great idea, it is important to note that there are rules when life settlements are on your mind. For example, one must be at least over 65 years of age. Each company also varies in the price they will pay for your life insurance. Just purchased your life insurance plan but want to make money instead? The majority of companies state that they will not buy your life settlement unless it has gone over the mandatory two year period.

If you feel that life insurance settlements are too complicated to understand, it is actually easier once you break it down. The first thing the person with the life insurance needs to do is fill out a form. Most businesses require that you have a medical examination, as well as other procedures done. Nevertheless, you then are able to see the quote from the company, if you were to sell your life settlement. Providentially, this quote is far higher than what your insurance agency would offer you.

The next thing that is required is to find a buyer for the life settlement. Usually the lowest bid is chosen because they will actually generate more revenue this way. Once the buyer is found, the life settlement will actually transfer to their name. This way both involved parties will be happy.

It is important to know that life insurance settlements are actually easier than people think. However, it is crucial that you find a legit company to work with. The last thing you want to do is run into even more financial problems if you end up being part of a scam. Therefore, make sure you do research and weight the benefits and cons of each company. Sometimes surrendering your life insurance to your original company is a better bet. Whatever you choose to do, it is essential to always keep your obsession with money out of the decision. You must act intelligently and realistic, in order to walk away happy.

Natalie Aranda writes on finance, insurance and investment. Life settlements are one way to put more money in your pockets. This happens when a senior citizen does not want their settlement plan and decides to give it up. Instead of giving it back to the actual insurance agency, the senior citizen instead decides to sell it to a financial company. This way they will immediately get money for selling such a life insurance plan.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Natalie_Aranda

>Cash For Injury Settlements

Cash For Injury Settlements
By Jennifer Bailey

Injury settlements are legal contracts that bind the offender to recompense a victim for the financial losses incurred, as a result of an accident. It is also known as a structured settlement and the financial compensation is the outcome of a lawsuit. These payouts are fixed amounts that are reimbursed as monthly payments, over an extended period of time. These settlements guarantee a safe and fixed income for the injured person. This reimbursement is decided upon after negotiations between the legal representatives of both parties. The lawyers estimate the future income loss of the injured person and the approximate medical expenses. They are structured to make the funds available in proportion to the loss incurred, as the result of the accident. These payouts reimburse any disability or incapacitation.

Though these payments prove to be a regular and stable cash flow, they may not always be sufficient to meet medication expenses and immediate cash requirements. Though the payout may be a large sum of money, beneficiaries cannot demand for a one-time payment or advance. A number of people prefer to sell injury settlements, to be able to meet instant monetary needs. People consider this a feasible option. The sale of these settlements does not involve risking secured assets. People can sell injury settlements to meet their financial needs, rather than sell the entire contract. It is a quick source of cash, as injury settlements are legal and do not need to be verified in detail.

Cash for structured settlements are easily available at funding companies. They do not offer the equivalent of the injury settlement in cash. The difference between the value and the cash offered forms the service fee for the funding company. This discounted rate depends on the nature of the settlement, tenure, buying company guidelines and compensation amount.

Cash For Structured Settlements provides detailed information on Cash For Structured Settlements, Cash For Structured Settlement Payments, Structured Settlement Brokers, Sell Structured Settlements and more. Cash For Structured Settlements is affiliated with Sell Structured Settlement Payments.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jennifer_Bailey

>Best Ways To Sell Annuities

Best Ways To Sell Annuities
By Scott Walker

Do you no longer need consistent monthly payments and would instead prefer a lump sum? If so, then you should think about selling your annuity. Besides the reason I already mentioned there are several reasons why you would want to sell your annuity. There are also different ways of doing it and they’re all have their advantages and disadvantages. And for our professional annuity sellers, there are more ways to sell annuities invented every day.

Of all the different annuities one can purchase on the market today, they all have one important characteristic- consistent and safe periodic payments. Consistent, safe but very conservative. Annuities are not a great long-term investment. If you’re young or have too much of your investing dollars in annuities you need to diversify. Diversify for better returns and, believe it or not, less risk. When you’re young, you don’t need a safe investment. Over the long haul, a risky investment will yield more while you don’t worry about the ups and downs of decades of market flux. It’s ok to have safe and consistent annuity payments but not too much so that it hinders your long-term investment potential.

Another reason to sell your annuity is to make a big purchase. You have plenty of money for what you want on paper but you only get a small percentage available to you in small payments. When you sell your annuity, you get everything. Whether you’re getting your first home or a retirement vacation home, selling your annuity can make it happen.

How do you sell your annuity? The best and easiest way is to find a big reliable company that has experience and readily available funds to buy your annuity. It’s a good choice but their fee and the amount you’ll get will be much lower. A second less popular way is to sell directly to someone else. The legal procedure isn’t the easiest but not impossible. Most annuities make it easy to transfer to someone else. Of course, look out for deals that seem too good to be true. Take out an ad in the newspaper or even Ebay and offer a good deal for both of you.

Other creative ways to sell annuities include faster or bigger payments, swapping for a better annuity or using it as collateral in a loan. Say you get $1000 a month for 30 years. If you can’t outright sell the annuity for a price you’re comfortable with then you might be able to get an annuity with a much bigger payment but for less years. That’s better than nothing. You can also swap annuities with a company or individual and the annuity you get is easier to unload. That’s a few more transactions and probably higher transaction costs but the result is exactly what you need. Lastly you can use your annuity for collateral on a loan. Here you would be hedging your interest in a bad way. You get a higher yield on your annuity but then you have to pay interest on the loan. You will get the whole lump sum so make sure you’re not taking a loss overall. This strategy works best, obviously, when there are low interest rates.

Maybe you’re a selling annuities professional and hopefully you’ve made it all the way to this point in the article. You may think you know all the ways to sell annuities but things are rapidly changing in marketing. You need to know about online marketing. The main points of online marketing to sell annuities are search engine optimization, pay per click search engines, directories and email lists. Concentrate on these aspects of online marketing and you’ll sell more annuities.

For several reasons, people decide to sell their annuities. They go about it in a variety of ways without knowing the advantages and disadvantages of their method. Going to a company, selling to another investor or getting a loan for several popular ways. If you’re a professional, you can maximize the power of the web. So now you know and now you should go get your payment.

Scott is a consultant at Selling Annuities, a directory listing site with all your annuity information needs. If you have any other annuity selling questions please visit http://www.vietnambiology.com/sell_annuities.html

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Scott_Walker

>Life Insurance Settlements - Sale of a Life Insurance Policy

Life Insurance Settlements - Sale of a Life Insurance Policy
By Paul Sherman

Life Settlements! Sale of a life insurance policy!!

A Life Settlement is the sale of a life insurance policy to a third party in exchange for a cash settlement in excess of the policy’s cash surrender value—even if none exists! This is also called as Life Insurance settlement, Insurance settlement or Senior settlement.

This innovative wealth and estate planning tool removes the burden of expensive insurance premium payments in addition to providing the lump sum cash settlement. This allows policy holders to get cash out of their life insurance policy, in an amount in excess of the policy’s cash value (if any), while they are still alive. To get the highest life settlements is to improve the quality of life during your retirement years.

Life settlement: When an individual who does not have a terminal or chronic illness sells a policy for other reasons, including changed needs of dependents, wanting to reduce premiums, and cash for meeting expenses, that is known as a Life settlement.

Viatical settlement: When an individual with a terminal or chronic illness sells his or her life insurance policy that is known as a viatical settlement.

Hitherto, elderly seniors with life insurance policies they do not need or cannot afford to keep up have had little option. They will let the policies lapse or sell them back to their insurers. Now lots of them are glad to have an alternative buyer. Clients may now be able to sell their policy for far more than the cash surrender value the insurance carrier would offer.

The life insurance policy owner sells his or her contractual rights under the policy at its present market value in exchange for a lump sum cash payment, which payment exceeds the cash surrender value of the policy. The purchaser of the policy will then become the new owner and the new beneficiary of the policy and is then responsible for making all of the future premium payments. The new owner now collects the full amount of the death benefit when the insured dies.

Life Insurance settlement or Life settlement present a unique opportunity to the policy holder to extract the maximum possible value from an existing life insurance policy and utilise those funds for whatever financial needs may exist.

Clients will often ask if there are any restrictions on what the cash payment can be used for. The answer is that there are no restrictions whatsoever on what the cash payment can be used for. They can use the money to purchase new insurance, travel the world, start a business, buy a property or fulfill their dreams. The money is theirs to simply enjoy and use it for any reason they can think of. In fact, seniors can use the cash settlement for medical expenses, living expenses, or anything they desire—with no restrictions.

There are various reasons why individuals sell their life insurance policy.

Why sell a life insurance policy?

1. If you are chronically ill, selling your current life insurance policy provides needed funds to cover financial burdens caused by your illness. A viatical settlement gives you the ability to regain needed financial security.

2. If you are over the age of sixty-five, a life settlement maximizes your current assets by eliminating premiums and getting funds that can be used today.

3. Pay off debts

4. Make funds available for other investments

5. Turn a lapse insurance policy into cash

6. Pay your medical care bills

7. Finance your retirement

8. If you are a corporation, selling corporate owned life insurance lets you regain back premiums paid on no longer needed policies.

9. If you are a non-profit organization, selling a gifted life insurance policy provides funds that can be used now and also eliminates premiums.

10. If you managing an estate, selling your current life insurance policy will help manage changes in estate size, eliminate premiums, and liquidate policies that no longer are needed.

11. If You are over 21 with a life-threatening illness?

How much money will the clients get when they sell their life insurance policy?

The value of a life insurance policy is determined by a number of factors, including, but not limited to,

1. Face value of the policy

2. The age and medical condition of the insured

3. Estimated mortality of the insured

4. Loans against the policy

5. Rating of the insurance carrier

6. Cash value of the policy

7. Type of policy and prevailing interest rates

8. The net death benefit

9. Premium payments required to keep the policy in force

Typically, a life settlement is about three to five times the cash surrender value of the policy.
What Life Insurance Policies Qualify?

To find out whether you qualify, here are some of the requirements.

(A) Must be at least 65 years of age

(B) The face value of the policy is at least $50,000

(C) The insured has experienced deterioration in health since the insurance policy was issued; life expectancy is under 15 years

(D) The insurance policy is in effect beyond the two year contestable period

But any policy owner, including individuals, corporations, charities or trusts, may sell any life insurance policy, including group and term policies.

What types of polices are purchased?

1. Government issued policies

2. Term Life

3. Universal Life

4. Survivorship policies

5. Many Group types of policies

6. Corporate Owned Life Insurance

7. Whole Life

8. Basically All Types of Life Insurance Policies

Experts at http://Financial-Ease.com assist in achieving the highest value for their client's life insurance policies. Their goal is to get you the highest price for your life insurance policy. Their mission is to serve clients with highest offers with honesty, integrity and confidentiality and get fast closings and payments

The life settlement value could be potentially much higher than the cash settlement of your life insurance policy. Do not continue to pay expensive premiums for coverage you no longer need, and do not surrender the policy or let it lapse. The Life insurance settlement solution is typically the Win-Win scenario that you have been looking for.

About the Author:

Paul Sherman is a Cash Flow Consultant. He offers free, professional and independent advice to Individuals, Business owners and Seniors. To secure a Life Insurance Settlement or Structured Settlement funding please visit http://www.Financial-ease.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Paul_Sherman

>Sell Lottery Payment for Lottery Lump Sum

Sell Lottery Payment for Lottery Lump Sum
By Dave Vesh

So, Should You Sell Lottery Payment?

Have you always been dreaming about buying those sports cars that sell for thousands of dollars? Did you think the lottery payment can fulfill your dreams? Think again.

Many lottery payments, especially when a large sum is involved are awarded in small structured payments or annuities. It may take many years before the lottery payments are finally paid to you in full. And of course, these small payments never allow you to make major purchases like a new car, a house, and the cruise vacation you were dreaming about. Inflation further devalues your lottery payments and you may end up with much less than you hoped for.

There Are Some Good News!

Many lottery payments are offered in a lump sum although at a considerably less amount. Which option should you accept? Or should you sell lottery payments for cash to another company?

The answer entirely depends on your situation. If you are quite young and do not have immediate financial needs, you may want to hold on to your periodic lottery payment and not sell it. However if you’d rather have all the lottery payments today, consider shopping around rather than accepting a lump sum from the lottery organizers. Why? Shopping around can pay-off and can make a difference in hundreds, or in some cases even thousands of dollars to your advantage. Selling lottery payments involves turning over your cash to a third party that in exchange will offer you a lump sum of cash.

Who Can I Sell My Lottery Payments to?

There are a few reputable companies that you can sell your lottery payments to. The key is – shop around, use the Internet to your advantage, before committing to any particular deal. Obtain lots of quotes (many companies offer no-obligation, free quotation through instant online quotes for you to sell lottery payments)

Rush over now to the Sell Lottery Payments – How Much Can I Get If I Sell My Lottery Payments?
article at SaveHog.com, where you will find a variety of valuable information about selling your lottery payments for a large lump sum, as well as host of online resources, calculators and structured settlement companies that can provide you with a
free quote on selling your lottery payments.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dave_Vesh

Monday, August 13, 2007

>A Structured Settlement Company

A Structured Settlement Company
By Jimmy Wilson

A Structured Settlement Company such as J.G. Wentworth, Stone Street, America’s Note Buyer, or Novation Capital are leading structured settlement companies available to assist individuals as well as other companies who have received a large judgment in a court settlement case or large winnings as in a lottery, by purchasing the whole amount of the settlement at a discounted price.

For example; you’ve been fortunate to win a large cash amount from a lottery win, you originally accepted your winnings payable over several years. Then as time has elapsed, you suddenly realize you could use a larger payment now by selling your remaining balance for a lump sum amount.

The structured settlement company is willing to buy your balance at a discount. The discounted buyout is still a considerable amount and you could use it sooner verses the slower installment amounts over time. A note buyer is a good solution to an immediate need for capital.

Structured settlements are a win/win business for all parties involved. Structured settlements have solved many financial crisis over the years and they obviously benefit themselves as well. When you need a large buyout it’s comforting to know there are structured settlement companies available.

A note buyer stands to make their return over a long period of time and they too can sell off the structured settlement note in order to reinvest in other more lucrative structured settlement notes.

Your assets may be a structured settlement or a private mortgage note or even an inheritance stuck in probate. It also pays to shop your structured settlement with funding companies specializing in turning future payments from structured settlements, annuities, real estate notes and other assets into cash. This business is not unlike any other, competition drives there customer base, so don’t jump at your first offer. It would also be advisable to let each structured settlement note buyer be aware that you have contacted other note buyers and you are wanting the best deal you can receive.

Structured settlements are funded by annuities, they are purchased to provide a payment in increments over time to the payee. Structured settlements are similar to investment annuities yet they differ in nature as to who actually owns the note. Before you approach a structured settlement company make sure you know that in fact you own the right to sell. Some annuities are owned by an insurance company and you cannot sell that which is not yours to sell. Investigate your settlement with your own financial advisor or attorney first.

When you have the need for a structured settlement, it pays to know the industry leaders and how to approach them. Read this article before making any decisions.


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jimmy_Wilson

>Lump Sum on Structured Settlement - Can You Win in this Game

Lump Sum on Structured Settlement - Can You Win in this Game
By Dave Vesh

In this article I will discuss options for receiving your structured settlement in a lump sum. At the footnote of this article you will find links to resources and free instant quotes for you to explore and to help you make final decision. But before we get to that, lets discuss your structured settlement options.

If you have been in an accident and have been awarded a lump sum, or have received other types of settlements that spans over several years to repay, you may have an option that is better than waiting for that paycheck every month.

In the recent years many reputable companies have started offering a lump sum in exchange for the annuity payments that you are entitled to. If your financial situation is relatively stable and the structured payments are not the only source of income, continuing with structured settlement may be a good idea. There are some long-term investment options out there that would benefit you with this approach. On the other hand many people do not have a luxury of waiting for their structured settlement payments, as their financial situation becomes dire. Those circumstances can be a result of a situation when your structured settlement was a result of an injury claim or a financial loss. You may be in debt or may be paying astronomical credit card, or personal loan rates, that can significantly affect your financial stability and nullify any lnog term benefits of structured settlement.

Fortunately, there is another option a person in your situation should consider. Why not claim a lump sum in exchange for your structured settlement payments? Many above-mentioned companies specializing in structured settlements, can provide you with a free quote and many even offer online calculators that you can use to instantly see how much you can save by getting all your settlement money in one large lump sum. While the opposite can be true, you may be surprised to find out that taking a lump sum can result in more money in your pocket than it otherwise would. This can be especially true if you were trying to pay off your high percentage debts at the same time.

You could easily get overwhelmed by the numbers and interest rates, when it comes to structured settlements and lump sums, but spending a little time and using many free quoting and calculating resources on the Internet can potentially save you from worrying and help you better plan your financial future.

Want to really learn more?
Then check out the
free online quotes on structured settlement for lump sum and Structured Settlements vs. Lump Sum of Cash at http://lump-sum-structured-settlement.savehog.com, where you will find a variety of valuable information about structured settlement and lump sum, as well as host of online resources, and structured settlement calculators.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dave_Vesh

>Buyer Of Structured Annuity Settlement - How To Find the Structured Annuity Buyer That Suits You

Buyer Of Structured Annuity Settlement - How To Find the Structured Annuity Buyer That Suits You
By Dave Vesh

Annuities are important and valuable policies for many senior citizens in the USA. Sometimes, however, any one of us may have need to plan for the future differently. Our plans may change, we may require cash fast and decide to sell the annuity or part of it for a large lump of cash.

Annuities are usually paid annually in small amounts and for some people, it may not be enough to support their lifestyle. Many people need cash today to invest in their own business even after retirement, some may have loans to pay off, or many people with good financial standing would rather have a large sum in advance, than having small payments deposited annually. Selling your annuity may give you more leverage for your "future" money, today.

It must be noted that selling your annuity, may have tax implications so it would be wise to have some idea of your situation.

There are a few reputable financial companies on the market that will work with you and based on your situation, provide you with the plan that may suit you best.

Even if you have already decided to sell your annuity, it would be extremely wise to shop around. This point cannot be stressed enough, as many people accept the first offer they come across and think this is the best they can do. Because of the years involved, even a small percentage variation in time periods can mean difference in hundreds of dollars in, or out of your pocket.

Use the internet, obtain as many quotes as you can, and make informed decisions. In addition you will gain more knowledge in the process.

If you are serious about your financial future than be sure to read "Buyers of Annuity Structured Settlement" article at http://lump-sum-structured-settlement.savehog.com Where you will find variety of valuable information including links to free instant online quote from annuity buyers, as well as host of online resources and calculators.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dave_Vesh

>Which Debt Can Be Settled?

Which Debt Can Be Settled?
By Mary Wise

This is an important issue as not all debts can be settled with regular debt settlement agencies. And thus, prior to hiring the services of such agencies you need to make sure that your particular debts are suitable for settlement or else you would be just wasting money.

Under the right circumstances all debt can be settled, but debt settlement agencies deal only with certain types of debt. Following is a short description of the different types of debt that qualify for a debt settlement process through an agency and those debt types that do not qualify for regular debt settlement processes and need different solutions in order to be cancelled or eliminated.

Debt Types That Qualify For Debt Settlement

The first type of debt that we will briefly explain is credit card debt. Credit card debt is in most cases unsecured debt that features high interest rates compared to other form of debts. Thus, it is extremely important to include this kind of debt in any debt settlement program. Credit card debt certainly qualifies for debt settlement due to its unsecured nature and the repayment flexibility it presents.

The same goes to store card debt. Just like credit card debt, store card debt is unsecured debt and usually charges higher interest rates than credit card debt and personal loans. Thus, it should also be included into a debt settlement program.

Personal loans, if unsecured can also qualify for debt settlement. This is due to the fact that if the lender refuses to negotiate, he would have to undertake long legal processes to recover the money and he would also be forced to negotiate prior and during the process with costly legal fees. Of course, this applies to unsecured personal loans only and not secured loans.

Different bills, like hospital bills and other services’ bills can also be included in a debt settlement program. They are usually included because the debt is unsecured and because the creditor has less negotiating power than banks and other big companies. Thus, it is easier for a negotiator to convince the creditor that he should accept the deal or he might lose the chances of getting any money back at all.

Debt Types That Do Not Qualify For Debt Settlement

There are other debt types that cannot be settled. These debts include: student loans which can be consolidated, waived or forgiven but never settled. The only exceptions are certain private student loans which are not subsidized by the government or a private non-profit institution and thus are subject to the rules of any personal unsecured loan.

Mortgage loans and home equity loans are guaranteed by a property or the equity on that property and thus are not subject to negotiation because the lender can always resort to request the repossession of the property and claim all the money owed. The solution for these debts is refinancing which can modify the terms of the secured debt while keeping the security in place.

Car loans which are secured on the car are just like mortgage loans, and with only a few differences, are tied to the same rules. Just like mortgage loans, car loans can be refinanced or fully paid off with the aid of a mortgage or home equity loan. Thus, to solve a debt problem derived from a car loan your main options are debt consolidation and refinancing.

Finally, tax debts can’t be settled either. There are some circumstances in which under special hardship, a debt can be forgiven by the government agency. However, these are very special situations with complex requirements. And often, they imply that the debtor has to resort to extreme measures like filing for bankruptcy.


Mary Wise, a professional consultant at Badcreditloanservices.com with twenty years in the financial field, prevents consumers from falling into the hands of fraudulent lenders.
In her website you will find more useful tips and interesting financial articles on this and many other related topics.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mary_Wise

>Outrageous Structured Settlement Discount Rates

Outrageous Structured Settlement Discount Rates
By Andrew Cravenho

Selling a structured settlement can be great on many levels. Including, freeing up cash to pay for college, buying a home, or paying off debt. But, the question is, "Why do factoring companies take such a large chunk of the structured settlement or annuity?" The national average of 19.2% for a discount rate is just an absurd figure. Yes, there is a risk factor involved, taking on payments from a company that may not be around in 20 years.

The national average taken from a 2004 California Attorney's General report was 19.2%. If a structured settlement is going to be sold for a lump sum of money, the interest rates have to be much lower. A reasonable rate would be in the range of 10- 13%. With this rate both the factoring and the structured settlement owner would come out very happy.

Lets take a $200,000 structured settlement that is getting paid out evenly over the next 10 years. That is $2,000 per month. With the discount rate of 19.2% over the next 10 years, equals around $112,000 to the structured settlement owner. The factoring company is taking 44% of the $200,000.

With the discount rate of around 12%, the structured settlement owner would get a payout of around $140,000, that is almost $30,000 higher than the national average.

The factoring industry is heading this way in the future. It may take a few years, and a few more stunning reports, but the factoring industry is needed in many ways.

There are more and more structured settlement factoring companies offering great discount rates as low as 8%. These companies are the future of the industry.

Get cash for a Structured Settlement. Each client is given four quotes and bids for their structured settlement, annuity, and lottery winnings. Feel free to contact us with any questions if you need to Sell a Structured Settlement.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Andrew_Cravenho

>How Do You Go About Getting Cash for Note Payments in One Lump Sum of Money?

How Do You Go About Getting Cash for Note Payments in One Lump Sum of Money?
By Jamie Sherman

These days you can get cash for note payments rather than have to wait to receive smaller monthly checks. This is quite advantageous for those who need a large sum of money in the short term for an investment, a purchase or to pay off debts.

Rather than having to go through the hassle of applying for a loan with a bank, getting your credit checked and waiting for approval, a professional buyer can pay you cash for notes of any kind. They could be real estate instruments, structured settlements, business notes or any other cash flow contract. Any debt paper that you currently hold can be turned into a lump sum of money.

Although the concept of receiving a steady payment every month sounds appealing, there comes a time in many people's lives where they are in need of a larger amount of money. They could come upon a very appealing investment opportunity; they might want to buy a new car; perhaps they are reaching retirement age. Whatever the case may be, getting cash for note payments can be a windfall for them. It is an easy, quick way to get money in hand for whatever you might need it for...you can usually complete a transaction in less than two weeks.

When you receive cash for notes, how much can you expect to receive?

The amount of money you get for your debt paper will depend on a number of factors, and they will be different from one instrument to another. Professional buyers have a formula that they use which takes into account the balance, the interest rate, the time remaining, the stability of the payor and various other criteria.

Obviously, the stronger and less risky the debt is, the more cash for note payments you can expect to receive. Keep in mind that you can also sell just a portion of the note, and keep some of the monthly receivables intact. There are a variety of ways you can structure the deal and the note buyer will go over all of them with you. Consider all of them before you make your decision.

While you go through the process, try to get all of your paperwork in order. It also helps to keep careful notes of everything that has transpired since the day the note was written.

Getting cash for notes is easy; you just have to find an experienced, professional note buyer who can offer you top dollar.

Jamie has been working in the finance industry for many years and is a contributing editor to http://www.selling-your-note.com Learn how to get cash for notes from professional note buyers on our site.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jamie_Sherman

>Basics of Structured Settlements - Your Rights And Taxes

Basics of Structured Settlements - Your Rights And Taxes
By Samuel Towers

Structured settlement factoring regulations have undergone significant changes in recent years. You can now sell your structured payments with greater security and confidence. These changes are in place to make it easier for the person that has a need to get their compensation faster. While it is still going to cost you a sizeable amount of money when it comes to securing cash now for future structured settlements, the process is now a bit less complicated, especially in regards to working with insurance companies that used to resist the structured settlement transfers.

What's Changed And What You Need To Know

There are several key things that have changed in regards to structured settlement sales. First, it is not simply easier to make happen. Although 30 some states had already passed laws helping individuals to do sell their structured settlements already, the entire country now gets to benefit from these laws. In effect, they streamline the process making it a faster, safer way to get the funds that you need.

Another important consideration is that of taxes. There was a continuous battle going on over whether or not you had to pay taxes on the funds from your structured settlement if in fact you did sell it. The laws that just went into play say that there never was a need to pay taxes and that there is now no need to pay taxes on these funds. Therefore, the tax consequences that were once considered to be larger risks in whether or not you should sell your structured settlements have been leveled, making it less of a risk for you.

One thing that hasn't changed is the fact that you will lose money if you sell your structured settlement now as opposed to holding onto it over the course of the original term. In fact, this new structured settlement law does not provide you with any reassurance or limitations in regards to how much companies will have to pay you to purchase your settlement. This kicks the door wide open for various problems including losing a considerable amount of money through the sale of your structured settlement.

In addition to this, it has become even more important for the seller of a structured settlement to seek out the help of their trusted attorney, or someone that can work closely with them to insure that they are not being taken advantage of during the process of selling their structured settlement.

There are many times when the sale of a structured settlement is essential to the well being of the person that holds it. Life changes and and so does the need to get your hands on the money that should be your own. With the help of the recent laws, individuals can secure the funds to do with what they need to, without worrying about many of the pitfalls that once were in place. Now, you have the ability to make your own decisions regarding these structured settlement sales. That's a good thing.

Samuel Towers writes to expand possibilities on the financial side of life. Currently he is examining what's possible in the world of structured settlements and annuities. What he learns, he shares in his articles.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Samuel_Towers

>Who Is an Ideal Candidate for Debt Settlement?

Who Is an Ideal Candidate for Debt Settlement?
By Chris Kesterson

Debt settlement in America is rapidly becoming the top method for consumers to get rid of problem debt. Debt settlement companies correspond with creditors on debtors' behalf and assist debtors by establishing a monthly saving goal so as to start saving only to raise money for the settlement of the debts. Debt settlement can almost always be done with the correct negotiation with the creditors. This can be done best by hiring an experienced third party that is trusted in the debt settlement industry.

An ideal debt settlement candidate is most likely someone who has some type of hardship such as illness, disability, divorce, job loss, or a reduction in pay and is having difficulty making payments. If a person has past due credit card debt in excess of $10,000, with high interest rates and are looking for a way out without filing bankruptcy, debt settlement (also known as debt negotiation) may be the best alternative for them. Someone with a debt problem that he or she cannot resolve is also a person that should look into the option of debt settlement. If an individual or family is having trouble staying current and is delinquent on their accounts or if they are close to having suit for a judgment filed against them, than debt settlement is a viable option. A person who wants to avoid bankruptcy at all costs, but needs a strategic goal oriented program to help them attain financial security is the person who should strongly consider debt settlement.

Chris Kesterson, President & CEO of Debt Settlement America, IAPDA Certified Debt Arbitrator, Executive Board Member of The Association of Settlement Companies

The Debt Settlement America™ mission is to help people from all walks of life get a fresh start with their personal finances. Our experienced staff takes great pride in helping individuals and families turn their grim financial situations into a welcomed fresh start. Debt Settlement America's™ debt settlement and debt arbitration services provide you with immediate and practical relief from creditors and the anxiety associated with debt problems. Debt Settlement America™ was established in 2004. Visit http://www.debtsa.com or contact us at 1-866-387-3328.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Chris_Kesterson

Sunday, August 12, 2007

>A Professional Buyer of Structured Settlement Payments Can Pay You The Most For Your Annuity

A Professional Buyer of Structured Settlement Payments Can Pay You The Most For Your Annuity
By Jamie Sherman

A reputable, qualified buyer of structured settlement payments can offer you top dollar for your annuity. Taking several factors into account, he or she will come up with a fair value for your settlement, often referred to as a "note". You can then decide which of several options works best for your particular financial situation.

Structured settlements are set up as a resolution to an injury claim, whereby the victim receives a set monthly payment in the form of a tax-free annuity as compensation. The arrangement usually favors both parties, as the victim gets money every month to cover the costs of medications, rehabilitation and other bills and the defendant, or payor, issues easy to swallow smaller monthly installments rather than a large sum of money up front.

However, many people decide to look for a structured settlement buyer rather than opt to receive small monthly payments. Although it's nice to have an ongoing stream of income, you may want or need to have a large some of money for a new investment, a large purchase or to pay off a high interest debt.

In this case, selling your note makes a lot of financial sense, and a reputable buyer of structured settlement payments will be able to provide the cash you need, usually within a couple of weeks. It is a fast and easy way to get your hands on a lump sum of money, especially compared to getting a loan from your bank or another financial institution.

How much will a structured settlement buyer pay you for your note?

That's a good question. It will depend on a variety of factors: the balance on the annuity, the time left before it is paid off, timeliness of payments to date, stability of the payor, and various other criteria. Remember, the buyer of structured settlement payments is assuming a risk by purchasing your note, so it has to make sense for them financially to do so.

To ensure that you receive top dollar try to have all of your paperwork in order, and keep careful records of everything that has transpired since the annuity was set up. This will be very helpful to the structured settlement buyer, and enable them to come up with a fair and competitive quote.

Also, keep in mind you can sell just a portion of the annuity; you don't have to sell the entire thing. So if you only need a certain amount of cash, you can sell "x" number of months of payments and retain the annuity after that time period. An experienced buyer of structured settlement payments will outline all of your available options so that you can make the right decision.

Jamie has been working in the finance industry for many years and is a contributing editor to Selling Your Notes. Find a top structured settlement buyer and find more information on seller financing on our site.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jamie_Sherman

>Structured Settlements: How You Sell Samuel Towers

Structured Settlements: How You Sell Samuel Towers
By Hunt Robert

Selling A Structured Settlement

As we have seen in other articles in this series, a structured settlement could turn out to be inadequate to meet your financial needs. The question of selling the settlement comes up in this content.

You have heard that people do cash out settlements. However, the wording in your settlement agreement might give a different impression. The restrictive wording would seem to prohibit any transfer of the settlement.

All this could lead to confusion, at a time when you are in urgent need of lump sum cash. In this article, we seek to remove the confusion and explain the process of cashing out your structured settlement.

You Are Not Selling the Settlement

The settlement was an agreement between you and an insurance company (or other party). It is typically executed to settle a claim you made. If the insurance company settled the claim by purchasing an annuity in your favor, the annuity itself belongs to the company. You cannot sell it.
On the other hand, the settlement forfeits a right for you, the right to receive a future stream of payments. This right to receive payments is your asset. Like any other asset, you do have a right to sell this asset.

How Do You Sell A Structured Settlement

While you are entitled to sell your right to receive future payments, the law makes selling structured settlements somewhat difficult. Such settlements and annuities are considered better for the financial security of most persons. Hence the law encourages such settlements and discourages their sale for lump sum cash.

In such a situation, you proceed as follows:

Consider what you want to use the lump sum cash for. You would have to explain how a lump sum of cash serves your interests better than a stream of payments extending over years.

Locate a buyer that specializes in buying structured settlements. Business firms known as structured settlement factors do this. We look at the qualifications of a good buyer at the end of this article.

Get a quote from the buyer for buying out your settlement payments. Buyers typically discount the future payments to a "present value" and give their quote based on this value.

If you accept the quote, ask the buyer for a pro-forma contract, showing the terms under which they would buy your payments. Review it with your attorney.

Return the accepted pro-forma to the buyer. Reputed factoring firms would then check that the whole transaction is likely to be approved by the court and that all legal requirements have been met.

The firm would then file an application in a court to get an appointment to review the transaction.

On the date fixed by the court, you will appear before the judge and answer questions on why you want to sell the settlement. Other interested parties might also put questions to you. Explain to them how your interests are better served with a lump sum of cash.

If you deal with an experienced and competent factoring firm, the settlement sale would most likely be approved.

The factoring firm pays you the agreed sum within a few days of receiving the court order.
Selecting A Structured Settlement Factoring Company

Ensure that the buyer of your payments is:

  • Financially sound and able to meet their payment obligations

  • Experienced in the field and could attend to all legal formalities.

  • Deals up front with you and do not seem likely to cheat you with too small a lump sum or in other ways.

  • By now you would have a good idea of how to proceed for cashing out your structured settlement. Go ahead carefully.

    Samuel Towers writes on financial issues. The above article is one of a series he has written after researching the currently popular method of structured settlement of claims. He recommends http://www.structuredsettlements.bz as a dependable buyer of structured settlements.

    Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Hunt_Robert

    >Pros And Cons Of Selling Your Structured Settlement Future Payment

    Pros And Cons Of Selling Your Structured Settlement Future Payment
    By Teddy Lc.

    While structured settlements are always meant for securing you a stable income in long term, you do not need to limit yourself with the periodic payment. You can, instead of getting a periodic payment, sell your entire or part of your future structured settlement payments. In exchange of the future periodic annuity, you will get a big lump sum of instant cash when your settlement is sold.

    There are both pros and cons in selling structured settlement. As the structured settlement buyers are in the business of money making, you should bargain for the best deal and maximize the money you can get from your annuity.

    What’s good in structured settlement selling?

    As mentioned above, structured settlement meant for securing one’s income in long term. In most cases, structured settlement recipients are those who lost part of their working ability and could not generate the same amount of income like they used to be. The idea of structured settlement system is to balance back the losses on the income column of their financial balance sheet.

    The structured system sounds perfect for those who are too lazy or incapable to make good financial plans, but it is actually a huge waste of opportunity cost. Imagine if you have a big sum of money instead of periodic payment, investing the money wisely in mutual fund, blue chips stocks or real estate might have secure you a much better income than the original plan.

    Imagine if you have a good business idea, selling the structured settlement gives you instant money modal. Say the real estate market crush and you see properties are on half-price sales; wouldn’t it be better to have the money in lump sum? If you are suffering high interest home mortgage, wouldn’t it better to payback the loan and save for the interest?

    Long story short, selling structured settlement gives positive impacts to your financial balance sheet as long as you are using the money at the right place.

    What are the disadvantages then?

    When it comes to bringing more greens into your pocket, Uncle Sam has his eyes (and hands) there. A structured settlement payment is not taxable and it does not affect your social benefits at all. However, if you sell your future settlement payment, every penny you earn with that lump sum of money is taxable. Say you started your business after selling your annuity, the money earn from the business is taxable. So do the money you earn from share dividend, estate investment, or mutual fund.

    Wrapping things up

    Generally, considering the pros and cons listed above, a selling decision should be made based on the potential impact to your financial balance sheet. If selling your structured settlement tends to generate more income for you, then sell it; else, if you are selling the future payment in your structured settlement for some expensive luxurious (for example, a sport car) that lead to more expenses (the fuel and high maintenance fees), then perhaps you should think twice in using that money.

    In case you you would like to know more about selling and pricing a structured settlement, there are free quoting services available online. Readers are recommended to take advantage on the free services and max out what they can get from their annuity payment. To learn more, click here to visit http://www.structuredsettlementfaq.com

    Structured settlement guide by Teddy.

    Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Teddy_Lc.

    >Guide to Selling a Structured Settlement

    Guide to Selling a Structured Settlement
    By Andrew Cravenho

    Many people throughout the world have structured settlements or annuities with the desire of turning these future payments into a lump sum of cash. In other words they wish to sell their future or periodic payments.

    This is SSQ's official guide to selling structured settlements.

    1) Determine the exact amount of money that you need and the reason that you are cashing out your fixed income.

    2) Next you need to find out your payment details. This can be accomplished by calling the company or entity that is making your periodic payments (usually an insurance company). For example, they will state you are receiving 146 additional payments of $500 per month.

    3) With the payment details established, you will be able to estimate the total amount left to be paid. Most structured settlement factoring companies customize the payment plans for their clients. Perhaps you would like to sell the first half of your payments and keep the second half for some fixed income.

    a) Discount rate- As defined by Wikipedia: The discount rate is based on the

    future cash flow in lieu of the present value of the cash flow.

    b) There are varied discount rates associated with each payment plan that

    you choose. The payments that are further away will have a higher

    discount rate and are worth less money.

    4) After deciding which payment plan best suites your needs, it is time to find an ethical and trustworthy structured settlement factoring company.

    a) Shopping around has been the most effective way to receive the most money for your structured settlement payments. Log on to this site to see the information needed to process your structured settlement quote. http://www.structuredsettlement-quotes.com.

    5) As you begin to receive quotes from the factories settlement companies, it is a good idea to obtain your annuity contract from the insurance company or entity making your payments. This step is necessary to secure the quote from the structured settlement factoring company. It is always good idea to get a second opinion from a financial advisor. This is not required but recommended.

    6) Once you begin to receive quotes from the factoring companies it is a good idea to check the Better Business Bureau to find out if there have been any complaints against any of these companies.

    7) Once you have chosen a factoring company an interview process will occur and several documents will be required to begin the process. Specific information about your structured settlement will be needed. The process can be facilitated much quicker if all the information is collected prior to the interview process. At the minimum this takes between 3 to 10 days.

    8) Once the factoring company receives the documents, the underwriting process occurs. This takes between three weeks and several months to complete.

    9) Upon completion, the factoring company submits the settlement to the court where a judge will approve or disapprove the transfer of payments based upon the client’s best interest. The factoring company typically covers the fees associated with this process. You are under no obligation to go to court with the factoring company, however seek the advice of your financial advisor as each case is unique.

    10) Once approved, arrangements are made with the factoring company for the transfer of your funds.

    Andrew Cravenho


    Get cash for Structured Settlements. Each client is given four quotes and bids for their structured settlement, annuity, and lottery winnings.

    Feel free to contact us with any questions if you need to Sell a Structured Settlement.

    Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Andrew_Cravenho

    >Sell Your Structured Settlements - Why, When and How!

    Sell Your Structured Settlements - Why, When and How!
    By Hunt Robert

    With a structured settlement, you do not simply get money at a regular interval to cover your basic living costs and other expenses like medical costs; you also have the option to sell the right at any point of time to get a lump sum amount to meet up sudden needs.

    At the same time, you can also settle for periodic payment options to cover occasional costs like education, marriage if you have other means to support you in regular life. In reality, a structured settlement offers you enough flexibility to plan your income depending on your financial conditions.

    To add to this, the amount you receive on a regular interval is completely free of federal or state tax. Whereas if you had taken a lump sum amount and invested them otherwise to earn a monthly income, you would have ended up in paying a big part of your earning as tax. For the last comment, we assume that the concerned person have invested the amount wisely.
    These are reasons enough that people in general love to get a secured structured settlement instead of a onetime lump sum amount.

    Nevertheless, here comes the crux – why, when and how do you sell your settlement in an urgent need! Say, you settled with your company for a monthly coverage option but all of a sudden, you got yourself deep in soup and needed some liquid cash urgently.
    What would you do if you do not have any other option to support yourself with a lump sum amount! If this is not enough, you may find some people who sell their settlement to get lump sum amount to start their own business or to build their portfolio.
    If there is no option left, you can sell the right of your structured settlement and Government allows you the provision to do so.

    Many companies purchase the structured settlement rights at a discount price. The amount you can get depends on your attorney’s negotiation skills and market reputation of your previous employer and other conditions. Often the settlement purchaser demand for a higher discount rate not only to cover all the risks involved in the process but also to draw a bigger profit margin.
    There is a common misconception that you must sell all the annuities at one go. However, here you have all the flexibilities to sell your annuities partially and thus you can sell only as much as needed to overcome the immediate expenditure. The rest can be left, as it is, to cover your regular expenditure.
    The first thing you need to do is to hire a professional financial advisor and/or an attorney to get the best

    deal for you. An attorney can guide you further through the legal procedures like href=http://www.structuredsettlements.bz/structured-settlement-statutes.html>court oversight, consumer protection statutes and legal approvals for selling structured settlements.

    Robert W. Hunt is a financial advisor by profession. For more
    information on structured settlements, he recommends you to visit http://www.structuredsettlements.bz

    Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Hunt_Robert

    Tuesday, August 7, 2007

    Is a Structured Settlement Right for you

    Is a Structured Settlement Right for you?
    By Bob Molton

    If you had the misfortune of being involved in an accident of some type, a

    Structured Settlement may be in your best interest. A structured settlement

    can help you gain the financial security and protection for you and your family

    over the years to come. The simple truth is, you don't know what kind of problems

    can develop further down the road from the results of your injuries. This could

    put you in a hard position if you weren't prepared.

    There are several things to think about when it comes to structured settlements.

    The first is the fact that you'll be compensated by installment payments over

    the course of time, rather than receiving a large lump sum. This can be very

    important in that, if you were to receive one large lump sum and didn't manage

    your money wisely, you could put yourself into financial instability. If you develop

    problems down the road from your prior injuries, it could be the beginning

    of a finacial downward spiral. This could also put massive strain on your family and

    possible do more harm than the injury itself.

    Another thing to keep in mind is your structured settlement payments are 100%

    tax-free. This could be another reason to consider this option.

    However, the best option to choose will be different for everyone because of

    each individual's unique situation. You see, it's very possible that the best

    option for someone else, could be one large lump sum up front. This is actually

    quite often the case, but you need to be very careful on how you handle the

    sale of you structured settlement.

    There are many companies out there that will buy your structured settlement and

    pay you cash now, but you really need to do some exploring and find out

    what's best for you in selling your structured settlement.

    Choosing the right specialty finance company to work with is an important

    decision, and many people do not know where to turn for advice. There

    are great firms that are designed to help you get the most money for your structured

    settlements and annuity payments. Many of these firms make this process very

    easy for you by matching you with the best possible financial institution to

    handle your settlement, and letting you decide how to proceed, putting the control

    where it should be, in your hands.

    For Details on Companies that Purchase Structured Settlements.

    Bob Molton offers resources to help others get the crucial information needed to make correct decisions involving their structured settlement. If you're considering selling your structured settlement I urge you to learn more at Structured Settlement Purchasing Companies
    Thank You, Bob Molton

    Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Bob_Molton