Tuesday, August 21, 2007

>What is a Structured Settlement?

What is a Structured Settlement?
By Jennifer Bailey

Structured settlements refer to the structured payments in cash on an annual basis that is made to compensate the victims of personal injuries for what they have lost. These are alternative payment systems that provide cash settlement payments over time.

In 1982, the U.S. Congress gave structured settlements special legislative treatment to make large settlements more acceptable to parties and provide more security and protection to the victims. Because of this, many people now prefer a structured settlement agreement more than the usual lump sum distribution. Moreover, courts use civil actions to award them, including long-term living costs and the need for obtaining payments in cash.

Under a structured settlement, the compensations of an injury victim is continuously received over an extended period of time (often a lifetime), and is not a large one-time payment. This is one way of securing the victim and protecting him from any economic loss and difficulty he may have to deal with later. It also makes it easier for the defendant to give out cash payments.

Though beneficial, structured settlements are actually not appropriate in all cases. This will not do at all for situations where the accident victim is still capable, where treatment and care do not take a long period of time, and where the injuries are not really serious.

Instead, structured settlements are established for cases like the following:

- Severe injury that requires a long-term treatment and future medical costs will necessarily be incurred to meet living and family expenses

- Worker's compensation cases where the injured person may not be able to work anymore or at least work to the earning capacity that he would otherwise perform

- Disabilities, permanent or temporary, that will take lengthy recovery time

- Cases of death of family members whose dependents will need a regular income to substitute for what the lost parent or spouse had provided

- Cases regarding guardianship of minor children or another person who is known to be incompetent like having psychological, emotional, or mental disability

Cash For Structured Settlements provides detailed information on Cash For Structured Settlements, Cash For Structured Settlement Payments, Structured Settlement Brokers, Sell Structured Settlements and more. Cash For Structured Settlements is affiliated with Sell Structured Settlement Payments.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jennifer_Bailey

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

>Get Cash From a California Structured Settlement Company

Get Cash From a California Structured Settlement Company
By Herbert Hodges

There are many resources online that offer detailed information on California structured settlement companies. A person wishing to sell his structured settlement should visit these sites so that his selection process becomes easier. The free quotes offered online help the seller to find out the minimum that he can get on the sale of his structured settlement.

California structured settlement companies purchase structured settlements from individuals and have business relations with insurance companies all over America.

A seller can receive a lump sum payment from the settlement company only after the sale has been approved via a written court order. The court order states that the sale is indeed in the best interests of the seller and his dependents. Various sections of California state law need to be met before the lump sum can be transferred. The seller should initiate the sale process keeping in mind that it can take a minimum of thirty days from the day the seller signs an agreement selling his rights to the structured settlement. Sellers are free to cancel the agreement before the court approval takes place

The purchase of a structured settlement by the buying companies is done on the basis of the effective equivalent interest rate; therefore sellers should scout the market for buyers that offer the best rates. The process of obtaining cash from a California structured settlement company involves several expenses such as commissions for the brokers, application fees, service fees, closing expenses, fees incurred during the legal procedure, and notary fees. These expenses are usually borne by the structured settlement company.

Sellers should approach a financial advisor only after doing their homework so that they can obtain maximum benefit from their advice and clinch a deal as early as possible. This is because under California law, independent professional advisors such as certified public accountants and actuaries, who advice claimants on the legal and financial implications of a settlement sale, have to be paid their fees even whether or not their advice results in the sale of a settlement.

Sellers and buyers should take note of the fact that a structured settlement sale without a court order can attract a hefty tax for both parties. It is imperative that sellers be on their guard while dealing with buyers; there is a process involved in the sale of a structured settlement and if a buyer suggests anything to the contrary, it is best to avoid him.

Herbert Hodges recommends you visit http://www.californiastructuredsettlementcompany.com/ for more information on finding a California structured settlement company.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Herbert_Hodges

>Preparing to Meet With a Buyer of Structured Settlements

Preparing to Meet With a Buyer of Structured Settlements
By Joshua Shapiro

Once you have made the decision that selling your structured settlement is an option you want to consider, you should begin to prepare yourself for the selling process. In particular, this means preparing to meet with a buyer of structured settlements. Because this is uncharted territory, there are certain steps you should take to better equip yourself for this meeting.

The first phase of groundwork is to educate yourself on the selling process. Although the buyer will happily provide this information to you, it is a better idea to have an idea what you are walking into beforehand. The reasons for this are numerous – one, you do not want your knowledge to hinge on a buyer’s honesty or forthrightness; and two, you want to know if you are getting the raw end of the deal. Having the proper information and being educated on the process will better improve your chances of getting a higher offer to begin with, as the buyer knows you are serious, and gives you the tools to know when to walk away from a deal.

You should also have an idea what you want out of the sell; in other words, how much do you want to be paid for your structured settlement? This may sound simple, but oftentimes, people do not know what to ask for and, therefore, take the very first offer on the table. They let the buyer dictate the price because they are not adequately prepared for a negotiation. Granted, some companies may be inflexible in their purchase terms, but you never know until you ask. Of course, if this is the case, you always have the option to walk away and go to a company that is willing to work with you and meet some, if not all, of your terms.

To learn more about finding a buyer of a structured settlement payment, Joshua Shapiro recommends Structured Settlement Sell.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joshua_Shapiro

>Don't Screw Up Selling Your Structured Settlement - Stay Clear of These Common, Costly Blunders

Don't Screw Up Selling Your Structured Settlement - Stay Clear of These Common, Costly Blunders
By Kevin Nelson

Selling a structured settlement is a major financial decision and as such, shouldn't be taken lightly. Ideally you would want to hold onto your structured settlement and continue receiving payments as-is since that will give you the most money in the long run. Selling all or part of your structured settlement might cost you some of the the earning you would have received down the road, but if you need to raise some fast cash, this can be a viable option.

But before you sell your structured settlement, you should be aware of some of the pitfalls people run into. These are very common mistakes people make when selling a structured settlement but by reading this article and understanding them, you'll be less likely to make the same mistakes.

Mistake #1: Not Knowing Your Financial Needs FIRST

The first mistake most people make is simply not knowing exactly what their financial needs are, why they're selling their structured settlement and how much money they actually need. Often times when we get in a cash crunch it's easy to let emotions and stress run our decisions, but it's extremely important to take inventory of exactly what your financial situation is and why you need to sell your structured settlement.

It may turn out that you can get by just fine by selling only part of the settlement rather than the whole thing. This will not only leave you with a steady stream of income over the life of the settlement (although less than before) but you'll end up with more money, in total, at the end of the term of the settlement.

Too often people simply sell the entire settlement and end up taking a significant loss and possibly having more money than they really needed or can effectively manage. That money might be better used by keeping it inside the structured settlement. So be sure to know exactly what your needs are prior to looking for a structured settlement buyer.

Mistake #2: Choosing The Lender Based On How Much They Offer

Sure, on the surface it makes sense that you would want to go with the lender than offers you the most money. That's obviously the best option in most financial transactions. However, look at the analogy of selling a house. You have multiple buyers all bidding on your place. Some probably seem more qualified than others. But what happens if you accept a bid from a buyer who simply wanted to offer whatever it took to get the property off the market. They may have no idea if they qualify, have no idea how they're going to get the money, and everyone ends up wasting time. Then they might start asking for concessions, lowering their price, asking if you can throw in the furniture or whatever. You end up being stuck with a buyer how just isn't serious and this can be a huge problem if you really need to sell fast.

Well the same applies when selling a structured settlement. You need your money fast! You don't have time to play the run around with a buyer who's just going to get you under contract with the lure of a high bid, only to turn the tables on you once you're stuck working with them. Unfortunately, this happens pretty often since lenders realize you're probably under the gun to get some cash in your pockets quickly. The best thing you can do to avoid this is to get several quotes from multiple lenders before making your final decision. It might take a little more time on the front end, but it will make for a much smoother process once you decide which lender to work with.

Mistake #3: Taking the Lender at Their Word When They Promise a Quick Closing

This is another one of those things that can be easily avoided with proper planning. That way, you're not dependent on a quick closing or enticed by the lenders promises to do so. The fact of the matter is that state law, rather than the lender's prowess, determines how long it will take to close on your transaction. In general, plan on at least a month for your closing to take place. At the extreme end, it can take four months or more, depending on the state in which you and your lender are located.

Get free structured settlement info and explore your options if you need to sell structured settlement payments by visiting OnlineSettlementGuide.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kevin_Nelson

>What Every Senior Citizen Should Know about Life Settlements

What Every Senior Citizen Should Know about Life Settlements
By Natalie Aranda

When we start being referred to as a “senior citizen,” we cringe at the thought of not having steady income. Of course there are perks to retired life – including vacations, sleeping in, and not having to answer to anyone else. Yet with so many perks comes a stressful fear that we just won’t have enough money. Auspiciously, there are different ways that you can pick up additional cash. For some, this may be drastic, but it will satisfy your money hungry needs.

Life insurance settlements are one way to put more money in your pockets. This happens when a senior citizen does not want their settlement plan and decides to give it up. Instead of giving it back to the actual insurance agency, the senior citizen instead decides to sell it to a financial company. This way they will immediately get money for selling such a life insurance plan.

While this may sound like a great idea, it is important to note that there are rules when life settlements are on your mind. For example, one must be at least over 65 years of age. Each company also varies in the price they will pay for your life insurance. Just purchased your life insurance plan but want to make money instead? The majority of companies state that they will not buy your life settlement unless it has gone over the mandatory two year period.

If you feel that life insurance settlements are too complicated to understand, it is actually easier once you break it down. The first thing the person with the life insurance needs to do is fill out a form. Most businesses require that you have a medical examination, as well as other procedures done. Nevertheless, you then are able to see the quote from the company, if you were to sell your life settlement. Providentially, this quote is far higher than what your insurance agency would offer you.

The next thing that is required is to find a buyer for the life settlement. Usually the lowest bid is chosen because they will actually generate more revenue this way. Once the buyer is found, the life settlement will actually transfer to their name. This way both involved parties will be happy.

It is important to know that life insurance settlements are actually easier than people think. However, it is crucial that you find a legit company to work with. The last thing you want to do is run into even more financial problems if you end up being part of a scam. Therefore, make sure you do research and weight the benefits and cons of each company. Sometimes surrendering your life insurance to your original company is a better bet. Whatever you choose to do, it is essential to always keep your obsession with money out of the decision. You must act intelligently and realistic, in order to walk away happy.

Natalie Aranda writes on finance, insurance and investment. Life settlements are one way to put more money in your pockets. This happens when a senior citizen does not want their settlement plan and decides to give it up. Instead of giving it back to the actual insurance agency, the senior citizen instead decides to sell it to a financial company. This way they will immediately get money for selling such a life insurance plan.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Natalie_Aranda

>Cash For Injury Settlements

Cash For Injury Settlements
By Jennifer Bailey

Injury settlements are legal contracts that bind the offender to recompense a victim for the financial losses incurred, as a result of an accident. It is also known as a structured settlement and the financial compensation is the outcome of a lawsuit. These payouts are fixed amounts that are reimbursed as monthly payments, over an extended period of time. These settlements guarantee a safe and fixed income for the injured person. This reimbursement is decided upon after negotiations between the legal representatives of both parties. The lawyers estimate the future income loss of the injured person and the approximate medical expenses. They are structured to make the funds available in proportion to the loss incurred, as the result of the accident. These payouts reimburse any disability or incapacitation.

Though these payments prove to be a regular and stable cash flow, they may not always be sufficient to meet medication expenses and immediate cash requirements. Though the payout may be a large sum of money, beneficiaries cannot demand for a one-time payment or advance. A number of people prefer to sell injury settlements, to be able to meet instant monetary needs. People consider this a feasible option. The sale of these settlements does not involve risking secured assets. People can sell injury settlements to meet their financial needs, rather than sell the entire contract. It is a quick source of cash, as injury settlements are legal and do not need to be verified in detail.

Cash for structured settlements are easily available at funding companies. They do not offer the equivalent of the injury settlement in cash. The difference between the value and the cash offered forms the service fee for the funding company. This discounted rate depends on the nature of the settlement, tenure, buying company guidelines and compensation amount.

Cash For Structured Settlements provides detailed information on Cash For Structured Settlements, Cash For Structured Settlement Payments, Structured Settlement Brokers, Sell Structured Settlements and more. Cash For Structured Settlements is affiliated with Sell Structured Settlement Payments.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jennifer_Bailey

>Best Ways To Sell Annuities

Best Ways To Sell Annuities
By Scott Walker

Do you no longer need consistent monthly payments and would instead prefer a lump sum? If so, then you should think about selling your annuity. Besides the reason I already mentioned there are several reasons why you would want to sell your annuity. There are also different ways of doing it and they’re all have their advantages and disadvantages. And for our professional annuity sellers, there are more ways to sell annuities invented every day.

Of all the different annuities one can purchase on the market today, they all have one important characteristic- consistent and safe periodic payments. Consistent, safe but very conservative. Annuities are not a great long-term investment. If you’re young or have too much of your investing dollars in annuities you need to diversify. Diversify for better returns and, believe it or not, less risk. When you’re young, you don’t need a safe investment. Over the long haul, a risky investment will yield more while you don’t worry about the ups and downs of decades of market flux. It’s ok to have safe and consistent annuity payments but not too much so that it hinders your long-term investment potential.

Another reason to sell your annuity is to make a big purchase. You have plenty of money for what you want on paper but you only get a small percentage available to you in small payments. When you sell your annuity, you get everything. Whether you’re getting your first home or a retirement vacation home, selling your annuity can make it happen.

How do you sell your annuity? The best and easiest way is to find a big reliable company that has experience and readily available funds to buy your annuity. It’s a good choice but their fee and the amount you’ll get will be much lower. A second less popular way is to sell directly to someone else. The legal procedure isn’t the easiest but not impossible. Most annuities make it easy to transfer to someone else. Of course, look out for deals that seem too good to be true. Take out an ad in the newspaper or even Ebay and offer a good deal for both of you.

Other creative ways to sell annuities include faster or bigger payments, swapping for a better annuity or using it as collateral in a loan. Say you get $1000 a month for 30 years. If you can’t outright sell the annuity for a price you’re comfortable with then you might be able to get an annuity with a much bigger payment but for less years. That’s better than nothing. You can also swap annuities with a company or individual and the annuity you get is easier to unload. That’s a few more transactions and probably higher transaction costs but the result is exactly what you need. Lastly you can use your annuity for collateral on a loan. Here you would be hedging your interest in a bad way. You get a higher yield on your annuity but then you have to pay interest on the loan. You will get the whole lump sum so make sure you’re not taking a loss overall. This strategy works best, obviously, when there are low interest rates.

Maybe you’re a selling annuities professional and hopefully you’ve made it all the way to this point in the article. You may think you know all the ways to sell annuities but things are rapidly changing in marketing. You need to know about online marketing. The main points of online marketing to sell annuities are search engine optimization, pay per click search engines, directories and email lists. Concentrate on these aspects of online marketing and you’ll sell more annuities.

For several reasons, people decide to sell their annuities. They go about it in a variety of ways without knowing the advantages and disadvantages of their method. Going to a company, selling to another investor or getting a loan for several popular ways. If you’re a professional, you can maximize the power of the web. So now you know and now you should go get your payment.

Scott is a consultant at Selling Annuities, a directory listing site with all your annuity information needs. If you have any other annuity selling questions please visit http://www.vietnambiology.com/sell_annuities.html

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Scott_Walker